Welcome we will keep you up to date with
all the latest information on Cliff whose album "Look
toward Jordan" is out
A message from Cliff
Hi all thanks for visiting my site,
I've been singing professionally for 39years
and thought as most people i was in the will of GOD.
Before my gig at the Pizza in the park in
Knightsbridge London England the Lord spoke to me
and said "This show at the Pizza in the park would
be my Swan song and said that I would be singing for
Him now, hence came "Look toward Jordan"
I enlisted the
talents of Ronnie Wilson who is a multi talented
producer who has produced the likes of Eternal
,Alexander O'Neal, Rod Stewart, The Harlem gospel
choir, and many others he intern enlisted the
talents of Wayne Hernandez who has produced vocals
for and sang for Blur, The gorrillaz and Tori Amos.
I hope
this cd blesses you and touches your heart and helps
you realize how much GOD loves you and wishes us all
to come into the knowledge of HIS son our Lord Jesus
Christ. "
Cliff Nash
Latest message from Cliff , 8th December 09
As we are approaching Xmas i thought i would
gift you with two songs that have helped me
through the hardest of times, please feel free
to listen or download two exclusive versions of
Dream on (Free gift)
Silent Dove (Free gift)

I hope you enjoy these songs and once
again I hope
this blesses you and touches your heart and helps
you realize how much GOD loves you and wishes us
all to come into the knowledge of HIS son our
Lord Jesus Christ. Bless you all and may the new
year bring every happiness to you...
Cliff Nash &
Ronnie Wilson